Not-So Wordless Wednesday: #FoodTruckEats, Part 3

Sorry folks, but I couldn't just post up the photos without saying a little something about this phenomenal event. This past Saturday marked the third and final installment of Food Truck Eats. Held at the Distillery District once again (this time in the South parking lot), FTE changed things up by being held all night long, to coincide with Nuit Blanche.

The cold didn't seem to deter people, as the Nuit Blanche edition brought out an estimated whooping 20,000 people. This was the biggest event yet, with 12 trucks and 15 vendors present. Some crowd favourites like Gorilla Cheese, El Gastronomo Vagabundo and Cupcake Diner returned, while new vendors like Agave y Aguacate, The Blue Donkey Streatery, and The Tempered Chef, made their FTE debut. There were familiar dishes like gourmet sausages and burritos, while other chefs pushed the creative envelope with lamb tongues and dessert served right on your hand (Chef Hopgood and Chef Rawlings' “Sweet Slippery Bobkins”).

To say that organizing an event like this is difficult is an understatement. So a HUGE kudos must go to the organizer and brainchild of FTE, Suresh, who has spent countless hours tirelessly planning the details—rounding up trucks and vendors, securing the venue, planning out the logistics, and the million other details that went on, unseen by the general public.

So, this week's photoset focuses not on the FTE food, but the people behind it, from Suresh, to the volunteers and the food vendors themselves. And let’s not forget the wonderful people at Second Harvest and their fabulous volunteers! If you attended FTE, please take the time to thank these fabulous people, either via Twitter (hashtag #foodtruckeats) or leave a comment below. Without them, these events wouldn’t have been possible.

Lastly, thank YOU Toronto, for your continued support of the Ontario food trucks movement and Second Harvest. Thanks to your donations, Second Harvest managed to raise over $6300, which equates to over 12,700 meals to feed Toronto’s hungry! Amazing work!
Be sure to follow to get the latest news on upcoming events. Some big plans are in store for 2012!
View my full behind-the-scenes Food Truck Eats photoset here. Over.

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